USB 2.0 16 Megapixel Camera
No Sensor Coverglass
No Microlenses
No Color Filter Array (CFA)
Llewellyn Optics Fused Silica Lens 6mm F/2.8 can see light to below 200nm. Camera sensor limit is around 300nm.
UV Shortpass XNite330C and IR Blocking XNiteBP1 filter Installed
Camera is compatible with PC's, Mac and Linux. Camera does not come with software and drivers should install automatically. Software that can see a webcam should be able to see this camera.
With combined optical components, camera can see from about 320 to 380nm.
Camera can visualize things like sunscreen (you will need a UV light source such as sunlight or UV light below 380nm. Our XNiteFlashF365-3W is a good light source.
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